• Ni Luh Sukanadi Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar
  • Dewa Ayu Puspawati Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan Universitas Mahasaraswati Denpasar


Knowledge and skills obtained by serati groups of Anak Agung Raka Pujiatmika in increasing her roles in sustaining cultural, religious, and as well as economic value in producing offerings for temple ceremony needs improving. There are three aspects that need paying attention, known as production marketing, and entrepreunership. The society service has been proposed and conducted to change the initial condition for four months; from April to August. The program was conducted by applying appropriate science and technology for the groups by

Tecnology Transfer (TT), such as training, simulation, and practices. The training included producing the offerings for any types of ceremony, such as for human, for God and for the ancestors and traing them how to manage and build entrepreunership, marketing and management.  The results of society service program has been successfully managed by the team so the serati group could achive the skill of producing and selling the products so they can increase their economy as well as maintaining the culture and religious value of offerings. Based on the simulation and evaluation, the member of the serati group are able to plan the production cost, making any kinds of offerings, finoishing, marketing and understang the symbol meaning of the offerings. In short, they can increase their prosperity and motivate and inspire other people to build business in ritual offering.  It is necessary to promote this group for a new organization called Serati Mesari.


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How to Cite
Ni Luh Sukanadi and Dewa Ayu Puspawati (2020) “PKM SERATI: PEMBUAT SERANA UPACARA KEAGAMAN”, Jurnal Aplikasi dan Inovasi Iptek, 1(2), pp. 103-111. doi: 10.52232/jasintek.v1i2.36.